So emotional ist eine Geburt

So emotional ist eine Geburt

Eine Geburt ist etwas sehr emotionales, aber auch etwas sehr persönliches. Die meisten Frauen wünschen sich nur ihren Partner an ihrer Seite, der sie unterstützt und für sie da ist. Es gibt aber auch viele Frauen, die wollen die Geburt mit Fotos oder Videos festhalten. Wir haben Dir die schönsten und emotionalsten Momente zusammengestellt.

Repost from my clients amazing doula @magamamas Announcement! Announcement! A mother has been born. @kristinhauser birthed herself into motherhood. I want you to know that she said that she wanted full liability and responsibility for the birth of her son, and the birth of herself as a mother, and her marriage as a family. I want you to know that she followed her path, sought the care and support she needed, put her resources towards what she values and followed her deep feeling. And that all happened before she pulled her own baby out, after laboring mostly on her own with her husband @hausero And then to say, „that was so much easier than I thought it was going to be.“ I was there for about 20 minutes, due to Friday afternoon traffic.. Deep respect goes to Kristin who consciously made these choices and engaged deeply in this process. We can’t control how birth goes, but we can control how we prepare for it, and what we clean out of ourselves to arrive as clear as possible at the birth altar. And mad respect for choosing a male partner, Thomas Hauser, who could hold the feminine birth energy and be there every step of the way. Jai Ma! Also deep respect to @lindseymeehleis and her midwifery crew who were as gracious towards me as imaginably possible, who modeled complete relaxation and grace. Homebirth midwives are warriors, often fighting for the right to offer women humanized birth experiences in the face of stifling legalities. What do you think would happen if women said, „I don’t want to hand the responsibility of my birth to anyone else?“ „I have the intuitive wisdom, the personal wisdom, and the brain wisdom to usher myself through this passage?“ Well my friends, this is the future that I am working for, and Kristin, Thomas and Lindsey are working for and I hope you will join us. AND I am thrilled about these photos BECAUSE finally I am in some birth photos where the woman is the active protagonist!

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lindsey Meehleis (@lindseymeehleis) am

Joining her in the early morning as a heavy rain fell from the sky, I tip toed up her stairs. Walking into her bedroom I tried not to wake their daughter who slept on a mattress on the floor by their bed. Remembering her amazing first birth, I knew this birth would be even better because this birth would be at home. While she birthed like a goddess in full control hanging from a squat bar in a hospital bed, she was now truly where she always wanted to be. I watched as she slithered into the birth tub and melted deep into her birthing space and time. A time where I have become very comfortable, a time that almost stands still, where all the cosmos conspire to bring forth the energy of new life. As things got more intense, her daughter rustled in the bed, half tempted to wake up. You could tell she was now engaged in the dance with her body and baby to be born as her deep moans turned to grunts. She swayed, shook and opened as if her dance was reaching its crescendo. Her husband tucked back away into their closet, filming the birth of their newest family member. And just like that, her bottom flew up and out of the tub as her hands grabbed for the floor in front of her as we saw a small little head emerge. I gently placed my hands on her baby to avoid her being dipped back into the water and with one more push, she slid into my arms, as my client quickly turned over and pulled her newest daughter to her chest. This moment in time was perfect, there will never be a time quite like this, where again time stands still but our hearts explode. ?✨#lifeofamidwife #THATmoment #gratefulheart #midwifery #midwife #birth #birthphotography #simplybirth #normalizebirth #love

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lindsey Meehleis (@lindseymeehleis) am

that birth roar… a primal place where a woman pulls from deep down inside, strength she never knew existed. On the verge of knowing there is no other place for her to go but through. Intuitively pulling away, illogically thinking the feeling of your new baby sitting on your rectal nerves will split you in half, but logically knowing if you don’t push this moment will last longer. In my opinion one of the most raw and vulnerable places a woman will ever be in her life before a complete transformation into the mothering of that child. The breakdown before the break through to pure and utter BLISS. #THATmoment #waterbirth #homebirth #birthrawr #midwife #lifeofamidwife #birth #simplybirth #birthphotography #womenareamazing #gratefulheart #birthgoddess #lioness

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lindsey Meehleis (@lindseymeehleis) am

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