Complaint |
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Service > ReturnsComplaint

How we can help in case of a complaint:

1describe the defect to us

  • ideally via e-mail
  • include photos if possible

2we sort out the options

  • we contact the manufacturer
  • or/and accept the complaint

3 solution

  • if necessary: send in the product
  • exchange, repair, or replacement parts


My product is malfunctioning. What now?

If your product is malfunctioning within the legal warranty period, our complaint department will help you. Please sent an e-mail to and tell us about the defect. Ideally, you attach some pictures or a video of the malfunction as well. Please also include the purchase date of the item you bought at our store. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

How does the guarantee work?

Guarantee and warranty often get mixed up. As a retailer we grant the legal warranty. A guarantee is a voluntary service of individual manufacturers. The specific conditions, scope, duration and process are described within the guarantee policy for the specific product.

How can I get a return label?

Return labels are included within each package. If you can't find it right away, check the bottom of the cardboard box. You can also request a return label by sending us an e-mail:

What can I do if my ordered furniture is damaged?

Please contact us in order to determine the next steps.

Do you have any more questions?

You can can contact us via email:

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